
All-in-one printer/scanner/copiers have been installed for student use in common and Open Access areas at Camden and Hawkshead.

These printers make it more convenient and less expensive for students to print, copy, and add printer credit to their accounts. Other features include:

  • printing from your own device;
  • printer credit stored on your RVC ID card;
  • cost savings, and increased savings on double sided printing;
  • £10 credit to start the year for every student; additional printing credit can be purchased at the library desk at Camden or Hawkshead. 
  • You can add more print credit to your card at the Camden or Hawkshead library desks, or

More detailed printing instructions are available below. 

Printing from RVC computers

To print from an RVC campus computer:

  1. Print the document from the file menu. When the print dialogue window opens, make sure the printer destination is set to the appropriate printer: 
    • Camden_B&W_MFD or Camden_Colour_MFD for Camden;
    • Hawkshead_B&W_MFD or Hawkshead_Colour_MFD  for Hawkshead.
  2. Click OK to print, go to any printer and swipe your RVC ID card on the reader next to the control panel to log in.
  3. When your name appears on the main menu, tap ‘Pull Print’ to display your queue of print jobs. Select a specific job in the list to print it, or select ‘Print All’ to release all pending jobs.
  4. Swipe your card again to conclude your session. 

Mobile printing

You can send print jobs on campus via your and collect from one of the printers around the college. 

Printer locations

After you have sent a document to the print queue at Camden or Hawkshead can print it from any printer in the building.

Printers and multi-function printer/copier/scanners are located throughout the Camden and Hawkshead campuses:


F26 Hobday
F24 (3) Hobday
F24 mezzanine (1) Hobday
F7/F8 Hobday


Breakout Terrace Hobday
Student Common Room Hobday
Student Area (reception)



S80 (3) Eclipse
F67 (1) Eclipse
Café area Eclipse
Crush area Eclipse
Reception area TaRC
Tea Room QMH

Copying and scanning

To make a copy of a document, swipe your card on the card reader. From the main menu on the printer screen, select Copy, place your document in the document tray or atop the scanner window, and follow the directions to make your copies. The price for copying is the same as printing.

To scan a document, swipe your card and select Email from the main menu on the printer screen. Because you have used your RVC card to sign in, the email will be addressed to your RVC email automatically. Place the document you wish to scan in the document tray or atop the scanner window, and select the option to Send Email that is at the top of the screen to send the scanned document as an attachment. Sending a scanned copy of a document to yourself is not subject to any costs. 

Copyright: All members of the College must adhere to UK copyright law. The College has a license from the Copyright Licensing Authority which sets out what may be copied; i.e. up to one chapter from a book, and one article from a journal issue. Such copies can only be used for private study or research.

(Full details of the Copyright Protection Act can be found in the Policies and Regulations section - if in doubt please consult the Copyright officer sjackson@rvc.ac.uk).


The new system will also allow you to view a history of your transactions and of your recent print jobs, along with any jobs that are pending release. From the website you can also top up your credit, upload jobs for printing via your browser and request a refund if any of your pages didn’t print correctly.

For instructions see  (.docx).

Printing Acceptable Use Policy

All printing and copying done by RVC students and staff is bound by the College's Printing Acceptable Use Policy.

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