
We are committed to creating opportunities for learning as part of the wider social activity in our community

Blended learning at RVC aims to combine the best of onsite teaching with learning that takes place in a digital environment while always valuing the social aspects of learning.

It includes a mix of teaching approaches, delivery modes and learner preferences. The ‘blend’ can mean different places for learning (onsite and digital); different scheduling (synchronous and asynchronous), different pace (class and self-paced) and different types of instruction (expert led, social/group, peer and individual). Active blended learning doesn’t just replicate the live lecture online. Instead it uses new ways of interacting, through discussion forums and chat to create different ways to learn with other students.

Student Voice Strategy

To maintain a high-quality student experience, it is essential that all students have opportunities to reflect on and evaluate their experiences of study and the wider service offering. To facilitate this, we use a variety of mechanisms with a view to learning from and responding to their feedback individually, collectively and through their representatives.

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