
The RVC's original Equality Strategy Group has been renamed Equality & Diversity Committee (EDC) to oversee all aspects of equality and to provide annual reports for the College Executive Committee and College Council. The Equality and Diversity Committee, is made up of representatives from each department, who are are named Equality and Diversity Champions. Their remit is to drive forward the equality and diversity agenda at the College. Each Champion is working with their department to produce a departmental Equality and Diversity Action Plan based on the requirements set out in the Athena SWAN Action Plan and the College Equality Objectives and Action Plan.

Equality and Diversity Committee Documents

This section is on the RVC intranet and holds the Terms of Reference, Objectives, Monitoring reports and Minutes of meetings as well as future meeting dates: .

Equality and Diversity Committee Meeting Dates

 The Equality and Diversity Committee meets termly. .

Equality and Diversity Committee Members

The Equality and Diversity Committee (EDC) is comprised of various staff and student representatives and is chaired by Director of Distance Learning Programmes: Christine Thuranira McKeever.

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