Page 6 - Clinical Strategy 2024-2029







Page 6 - Clinical Strategy 2024-2029
P. 6

OUR                                            the development and use of advanced        To deliver our clinical mission, the strategy
                                                                            imaging and radiotherapy facilities
                                                                                                                       for 2024-2029 comprises a set of fi ve
                             STRATEGY                                       Embed a high quality, client-focused      interlinked themes. Together they allow
                                                                            approach to service provision              us to build on our signifi cant strength in
                             This document sets out a fi ve year             Implement systems and processes           Clinical Services ensuring they evolve to
                             strategic vision for Clinical Services at the   which ensure our clinical facilities are   meet the changing needs of our students,
                             RVC spanning the period 2024-2029.             cost-effective and effi cient               teams, clients and patients, as well as
                             It was developed with extensive input from                                                driving clinical innovation for the future.
                                                                          The themes identifi ed and developed
                             colleagues across all of our clinical sites
                                                                          in this Clinical Strategy (2024-
                             and from Professional Services and is
                                                                          2029) recognise the challenges and
                             intended to complement and expand upon
                                                                          opportunities brought in a changing
                             the RVC’s 2022-2026 Strategic plan, which
                                                                          veterinary and higher education
                             outlines fi ve goals under the theme “Care/
                                                                          sector, including evolving accreditation
                                                                          requirements, changing service delivery
                               Develop our next generation of clinical   models in the wider veterinary sector
                                facilities to meet the training needs     and the increasing recognition of the
                                required for the diversity of careers     importance of systems, process and
                                in general and specialist practice as     culture in the delivery of high-quality
                                well as providing an effective clinical   clinical care.
                                research environment
                                                                          The strategy also recognises the
                               Evolve our clinical partnerships and our
                                                                          importance of the Clinical Services
                                other general practice facilities
                                                                          contribution to our education and
                               Exploit the potential offered by national
                                                                          research/innovation missions and builds
                                and international remote and digitally
                                                                          on and aligns with the activity outlined in
                                enabled veterinary services as well as
                                                                          the LTASE and R&I strategies

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