Page 38 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024







Page 38 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024
P. 38

Professor Stephen May’s Symposium

              Zoe Hitchcock, Executive Assistant to the President & Principal

                      n 24th April 2024, we       ‘International Veterinary Medical Education:   Elliott spoke about ‘Clinician Scientists
                      celebrated the remarkable   The Shift in Focus to Outcomes,’   – Addressing Research Questions
                      career of Professor Stephen   emphasising Stephen’s significant role   that Matter,’ which included Stephen’s
             OMay with a ‘festschrift’ at         in the AAVMC Competency-Based      impactful work on osteoarthritis.
              our Hawkshead campus. The event was   Veterinary Education (CBVE) Working   The symposium concluded with an
              attended by Stephen, his family, friends,   Group and the development of AAVMC’s   engaging presentation by Professor
              and colleagues, some of whom travelled   CBVE Competency Framework.    Renate Weller, Dean of the Faculty
              great distances to be there.
                                                  Professor Ayona Silva-Fletcher,    of Veterinary Medicine at the University
              The symposium showcased the myriad   who collaborated closely with Stephen   of Calgary, on ‘The Professional and
              ways Stephen has influenced the     on Lifelong Independent Veterinary   Boyer’s Four Scholarships.’
              veterinary profession. Despite lasting   Education (LIVE), spoke about   It was a wonderful afternoon that
              several hours, it only began to touch on   ‘Developments in Veterinary Education   celebrated, in part, the achievements
              his extraordinary contributions.    as an Academic Discipline’ and     of an extraordinary individual.
                                                  former RVC Principal, Professor
              Distinguished colleagues presented   Quintin McKeller, provided a thought-  Thank you to all who attended
              on various topics. Professor Michael   provoking presentation on ‘Professional   and to our esteemed speakers.
              Schwamme from École Nationale       Leadership’.  Professor Jonathan
              Vétérinaire de Lyon gave an insightful
              presentation on ‘The Past, Present, and
              Future of Equine Lameness Diagnosis,’
              highlighting Stephen’s pioneering work
              in this field and its clinical applications.
              References to the historical connections
              between Lyon and Charles Benoit Vial
              de Saint Bel, the founder of the Royal
              Veterinary College, were also enjoyed.
              Professor Jennie Hodgson, formerly of
              Virgina Tech, USA, but recently returned
              to her native Australia, talked about

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