Page 32 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024







Page 32 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024
P. 32

Inspiring the Next Generation:

              The role of the RVC Student Ambassador

                       he RVC has long            FROM SHADOWING TO                  “I was quite shy and not a natural leader,”

                       been a beacon              AMBASSADORSHIP                     she admits. Yet, witnessing the impact
                                                                                     that ambassadors had on prospective
                                                  Zoe Mitton (2018 BVetMed), embarked
                       for aspiring               on her veterinary journey through the   students motivated her to step out of
              Tveterinarians and                  Gateway course in 2011, discovering the   her comfort zone. “It was incredibly
                                                                                     rewarding to guide and support others,”
              scientists in the UK.               RVC during a student shadowing day in   she says, noting that ambassadors
                                                  2009. “I was captivated by the Camden
              Two individuals, one                Campus,” she recalls, highlighting how   provide a vital bridge between the
                                                                                     daunting world of academia and the
                                                  her interactions with current students
              graduate and one final               and faculty fuelled her passion for   aspirations of potential students.
              year student, share how             veterinary medicine. After a successful   THE CURRENT EXPERIENCE
                                                  application to the student ambassador
              their experiences as                programme, she began her ambassador   Fast forward to today, final-year
              student ambassadors                 role in her first year of the BVetMed   BVetMed student Morley Jones, echoes
              have shaped their lives             program, driven by a desire to inspire   these sentiments. He first learned
                                                                                     about the RVC at a UCAS fair, where
                                                  future students just as she herself had
              and those of others.                been inspired.                     an ambassador shared details about
                                                                                     the exciting opportunities available,

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