Page 32 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 32 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 32


        Professor Stuart Reid elected as new

        Chair of the Veterinary Schools Council

               his July Stuart Reid CBE was   Committee and has been a Fellow of   in leading and guiding the Council
               announced as the new Chair of   the Royal Society of Edinburgh since   throughout her tenure, and particularly
               the Veterinary Schools Council   2001. He was awarded a CBE in 2018   through the pandemic.
        T(VSC), the representative body     and elected to the National Academy of   “As a member of Council for many
        for veterinary schools in the UK, Ireland   Medicine in the USA in 2019.  years I can attest to the importance
        and Netherlands.
                                            In addition to serving as President of   of collaboration between veterinary
        Consisting of nine UK members and   the RCVS in 2014-2015, Stuart has   schools in addressing shared issues
        two non-UK associate members, the   chaired the European Committee on   including COVID-19, Brexit and One
        VSC provides a source of informed   Veterinary Education and was Honorary   Health. I firmly believe that together we
        opinion on matters concerning       Secretary to the American Association   are stronger, and intend to do all I can
        veterinary education, from the welfare   of Veterinary Medical Colleges. He   to ensure that UK veterinary schools
        of students and academic researchers   succeeded Professor Susan Dawson   remain world-leading at this time of
        to links with governments and industry.  as Chair of the VSC.          great change.”

        Stuart has held the position of Principal   Stuart now leads the Council in its   Professor Susan Dawson, immediate
        at the RVC since 2011 and is a      mission to shape policy, share best   past Chair of the Veterinary Schools
        Recognised Specialist of the RCVS   practice and contribute its expertise to   Council, said: “Stuart is an experienced
        in veterinary epidemiology. He is also   the national and global discourses on   leader who is widely respected
        a diplomate of the European College   veterinary education and research.  across the veterinary profession.
        of Veterinary Public Health, of which   Of his new role, Stuart said: “I am   His experience spanning veterinary
        he was the first elected president. He   honoured to chair the Veterinary   education and research will be
        has served on numerous committees   Schools Council for the next three   invaluable as he leads the Veterinary
        including the Scottish Science Advisory   years and would like to thank Professor   Schools Council and I congratulate him
        Committee and the Veterinary Products                                  on his new role.”
                                            Susan Dawson for her tireless work

        RVC staff and alumni awarded Queen’s Birthday

        Honours 2021

                                            PROFESSOR FIONA TOMLEY             researcher at Cambridge University,
                                                                               Fiona has consistently championed a
                                            Professor Fiona Tomley, Professor of   One Health approach –
                                            Experimental Parasitology at the RVC
                                            and Director of the UKRI GCRF One   a perspective of health that recognises
                                                                               the interconnection between people,
                                            Health Poultry Hub, has been awarded
                                            Commander of the Most Excellent    animals, plants and the shared
                                                                               environment. As part of this, she was
                                            Order of the British Empire (CBE) for
                                            services to animal health.         appointed Director of the One Health
                                                                               Poultry Hub in 2019, conducting
                                            Professor Tomley is a leading academic,   research programmes that seek to
                                            studying bacteriology and virology at   understand, detect and reduce the risk of
                                            Manchester University where, in 1980,   transmission of zoonotic diseases from
                                            she also completed her PhD. After   chickens to humans.
                                            working as a virology postdoctoral

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