Page 11 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 11 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 11


        Celebrating LGBT History Month

               his year, during LGBT History   Andy Marshall said: “We know that   community for our LGBTQ+ staff,
               Month, the RVC marked the    visibility and representation matters,   students and friends.
               month by flying the rainbow flag   and we know that the projects that   Some of the commitments made were:
        Ton both our campuses, holding      we’ve done in previous years have
        a Netflix streaming party of the film   meant something positive to people   “Educate myself and others on
        ‘Boy Erased’ followed by a discussion   when they’ve joined the RVC. Visibility   LGBT+ history.”
        about conversion therapy, arranged by   and representation are only part of the   “Being more proactive in
        our Chaplain and Interfaith Advisor, the   journey. We continue to aspire to be a
        Revd. Andy Marshall. The Students’   safe space for all, and these projects   supporting people, even when it
        Union hosted an online talk on LGBTQ+   are a part of that process.     makes me feel uncomfortable.”
        History with Ben Paites from Colchester                                 “Learning and using the
        and Ipswich museums.                “I am delighted with the number of   correct pronouns (and not
                                            people that have participated in this
        There were challenges around how to   year’s photo … it’s a tremendously   making assumptions about
        mark the month as a community while   affirming display, but I am also   someone’s pronouns).”
        following the lockdown restrictions in   delighted at some of the personal   Quentin Wedmore, the Students’
        the UK. As a way to get as many people   actions that people have said they will   Union President 2020-21,
        involved as possible in an RVC-wide   commit to as a result of this project.  added that, “RVCSU is glad to
        project, Andy Marshall asked our staff
        and students to submit photos of    These actions will truly help make the   be celebrating LGBTQ+ history
        themselves from home wearing different   RVC a safer and more inclusive space   month at a time when raising
        colours of the rainbow.             for all.”                           awareness of equality and
                                                                                diversity issues has never been

        This collection of photos from nearly   Those who submitted their photos   more important to us.”
        100 staff and students was then used   were also asked what small action they
        to form a human LGBTQ+ flag and     could commit to this LGBTQ+ History   View the RVC LGBTQ+ History Month
        make a visible statement of inclusion   Month that they will take forward with   2021 video here:
        and support for the LGBT+ community.  them, to build a safer and more inclusive

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