Page 8 - Clinical Connections - Autumn 2023







Page 8 - Clinical Connections - Autumn 2023
P. 8


             imon   Priestnall,  Professor  of  the papers. I vividly remember the second   alpacas, is keeping me on my toes. Seeing
             Veterinary Anatomic Pathology, has   time, waiting patiently for the result, alone   the dedication of the people who work
       S succeeded  Ken  Smith  (who  has   in an airport hotel on my return to the UK. I   there is incredible – blending a commercial
        become head of the Graduate School) as   opened the email with enormous trepidation,   enterprise with an educational resource  is
        Head of  the Department of  Pathobiology   but this was soon replaced by copious tears   no easy task.
        and Population Sciences (PPS). We   of joy!
        spoke to Simon about his new role and   The second is being awarded the   What  developments  in  diagnostic
        developments in Diagnostic Pathology.  2020  Achievement  Award by the Royal   pathology at the RVC might vets in the
                                            College  of  Pathologists  for  Contribution  to   wider community like to hear about?
        You were a vet student at Bristol,   Education.  This recognised my teaching   Digital pathology has been accelerated by
        which included an intercalated BSc in   and  mentorship in  veterinary  pathology   the pandemic and has enabled many more
        veterinary pathology at the RVC.  You   at  both  undergraduate  and  especially   opportunities within our team. Digitised
        then studied at Cornell before returning   postgraduate  level,  through  our  highly   (scanned) slides have not only enabled the
        here for a PhD and residency. What drew   successful anatomic pathology residency   ability to work off site whilst on diagnostic
        you back to the RVC?                training program and work with a veterinary   duty but also the sharing of cases amongst
        The  offer  of  a  PhD  to  study  a  completely   pathology education foundation.    the team and with other pathologists or
        new respiratory virus in dogs (discovered                               clinicians across the campus – or even
        at the RVC in 2002) was too good to turn   You’ve taken on a huge job – what are   around  the  world  –  for  rapid  second
        down.  Having  spent  my  intercalated  year   some of the key things on your horizon   opinions/consultations.
        at the RVC, I knew the facilities and people   over the coming months?   Diagnostic  immunohistochemistry  is
        would  provide  the  perfect  environment  to   One of the biggest things I would like   a service we provide with an automated
        support my scientific curiosity. The virus, as   to support is building and developing   stainer, and we support not only our own in-
        it happens, was a respiratory coronavirus,   collaborations  between  researchers,  house cases but also provide a service for
        which at the time was of limited interest   educators and diagnosticians within the   other  commercial  laboratories  through  our
        within the veterinary community, but in   Department.  We  have  a  huge  wealth  and   large array of markers for oncological cases.
        recent years has become much more   breath of talent, from epidemiology, animal
        topical! Would I do it again? In a heartbeat!  welfare science, immunology, vaccinology,   Can  you  still  undertake  research  and
                                            agribusiness, farm animal health and   clinical work in your new role?
        What have been most memorable points   management, diagnostic and research   This is a challenge, but I am continuing with
        of your career so far?              pathology, parasitology, bacteriology and   clinical work on the surgical biopsy service – I
        Two  things  come  to  mind.  The  first  was   virology.  Although we have some great   particularly enjoy gastrointestinal cases and
        passing my specialist board exams in   collaborations, these can be developed   am part of an ACVIM consensus statement
        anatomic pathology.  This was exhausting   further – for example taking diagnostic tests   project  on  the  topic.  In  terms  of  research
        process  involving  travelling  (with  developed in the Department through to   collaborations, this is principally as part of a
        microscope) to Iowa State University where   commercial application.    small group of RVC pathologists providing
        the exam was administered over three days.   Aside from  the  more  strategic  things,   specialist  experimental  histopathology
        For me it involved two visits to the Mid-  getting to understand our farm (Bolton’s   consultancy to the Francis Crick Institute
        West (fortunately the second time without   Park Farm), which is home to a large flock of   and the Medicines and Healthcare products
        microscope!) as I missed by 2% on one of   sheep, dairy cattle, laying hens, goats and   Regulatory  Agency  (MHRA),  part  of  the
                                                                                Dept of Health.

                                                                                The RVC has a great track record with
                                                                                pathology residents' board certification.
                                                                                What advice would you give to any vets
                                                                                who are interested in making a shift into
                                                                                Go for it! I have never looked back once
                                                                                – it is an exciting career with so many
                                                                                possibilities and rewarding opportunities, oh
                                                                                and no on call!

                                                                                       For the Diagnostic Pathology Service,
                                                                                      please call:01707 666 208

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