Page 1 - Clinical Connections - Autumn 2023







Page 1 - Clinical Connections - Autumn 2023
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                                                                            RVC Clinical Services Newsletter  Autumn 2023


              three-year-old  longhaired  male  First admission                 fracture, coxofemoral luxation, and severed
              entire Chihuahua was mauled by a   Rocco received immediate measures to   femoral artery and thigh musculature.
        A large dog, leading to severe injuries,   stabilise his condition and, shortly after   Some  viable  pelvic  limb  muscles  were
        including pelvic fractures, body wall rupture,   arrival, underwent  general anaesthesia, a   spared and used to augment his body
        testicular avulsion and acute kidney injury   CT scan and a positive contrast retrograde   wall rupture. Fortunately, no other severe
        (AKI).                              urethrocystogram to further evaluate the   intra-abdominal injury was noted, although
          He has bounced back and is enjoying his   extensive trauma.           there was concern about the viability of the
        life, thanks to the specialist teams working   This identified multiple right pelvic fractures,   vascular supply to his right testicle.
        together at RVC Small Animal Referrals.   right coxofemoral luxation, right abdominal   Rocco’s family had expressed reluctance
          Interventions Rocco received included   wall rupture with bladder herniation and   to pursue castration, so the decision was
        critical care in the ICU, a blood transfusion   poor contrast enhancement of his right   made to monitor his testicular viability.
        and extensive emergency surgery overnight,   pelvic limb musculature.    Due to the traumatic and contaminated
        including limb amputation and repair of his   He  underwent  immediate  surgery  to   nature of his trauma, an active suction drain
        traumatic body wall rupture. He was an   explore  the  wounds.  Rocco  required   was also placed at the amputation site.
        inpatient on two occasions, totalling almost   exploratory  coeliotomy,  body  wall  repair   Rocco  had  suffered  marked  blood  loss
        three weeks, on top of outpatient reviews.  and right pelvic limb amputation due to the   due  to  the  trauma  and  received  a  blood
                                            severity of injury to the limb, acetabular   transfusion during the procedure, enabled

        P. 5                       P. 8                      P.9                        P.10
        CASE                       ROLE - INTERVIEW          FOR GOAT                   RED-EYED REINDEER
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