
 Please note the RVC's Academic Quality Assurance and Enhancement procedure for , is under review - contact the Head of Collaborative Programmes for further information.

As part of the RVC’s goal to be a leading innovator in the delivery of high quality programmes in veterinary education and associated subjects, the RVC will continue to expand and consolidate its portfolio of programmes targeted at those involved in the delivery of veterinary science and services. The RVC will establish strategic partnerships, where appropriate, that will defend and advance our position in animal health and veterinary science, locally, nationally and internationally.  

The development, approval and management of collaborative partnerships for teaching and learning are governed by the RVC’s Academic Quality Assurance and Enhancement procedure for  (procedure is currently under review), which includes details of the RVC’s processes for:

  • Negotiation of new collaborative arrangements
  • Conduct and approval of due diligence on proposed taught academic partnerships
  • Approval and re-approval of collaborative partnerships
  • Development, approval, amendment, renewal and termination of Memoranda of Understanding and Memoranda of Agreement (Agreements)
  • Management of collaborative courses
  • Annual monitoring of Agreements
  • Review of this procedure.

The Collaborative Provision procedure will normally be considered in conjunction with the RVC’s Academic Quality Assurance and Enhancement procedure for  (procedure is currently under review), to which extensive links are included in the Collaborative Provision procedure.

The RVC has developed a taxonomy of collaborative arrangements to guide those involved in the process of development and approval of collaborative provision and partnerships. This taxonomy is represented in the Types of Collaborative Provision document (see Additional Documents below) which alphabetically lists and briefly describes the most commonly encountered collaborative arrangements.

The RVC's public Register of Collaborative Provision (see Additional Documents below) provides brief detail of current Agreements that the College has for collaborative provision on taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses. The Register may be read in conjunction with the “Types of Collaborative Provision” document which will help the reader to identify the nature of the various collaborative arrangements detailed in the Register. Equivalent registers for Postgraduate Research and for Study Abroad and Short Courses are also under development.

Collaborative Provision - Forms

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