Page 68 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 68 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 68


        He was a prodigious athlete and
        sportsman, regularly taking part in
        triathlons, marathons and an Ironman
        challenge, including running the Virgin   DAVID                         KATY SYKES
        London Marathon for the RVC’s Animal   HARDYMAN-RICE                    It is with a very heavy heart that we note
        Care Trust in 2010. In his retirement,                                  the passing of Katy Sykes in September
        Graham put his athleticism to very good   It is with great sadness that we say   2021, following an unexpected and short
        effect in raising more money for charity.  goodbye to David Hardyman-Rice, who
                                            passed away in June this year.      period of illness. Despite her devastating
        He appeared live on the BBC’s ‘The One                                  diagnosis, Katy continued to stay strong
        Show’ cycling to raise money for the   Although David did have underlying   throughout her illness, allowing her to
        Rickshaw Challenge, he plunged out of   health conditions that had worsened over   create some lasting and happy memories
        an aeroplane, organised and led a coast-  the last year, his death was sudden and   for her young sons, Daniel and Ethan,
        to-coast walk joined by many colleagues   unexpected. He leaves behind his wife,   and her partner, Rich.
        and friends, and took part in long-  Liz and his two daughters.         Katy worked in the Exams Office for over
        distance runs. These raised valuable   David was a man of many talents and   two years and quickly became an integral
        funds for charities such as Maggie’s,   was a talented musician, a magician   part of the team. Anyone who came into
        Our Special Friends, Children in Need   and member of the Magic Circle, and a   contact with, or worked alongside, Katy
        and the St Clare Hospice.           magistrate. He had a long and unusually   always found her to be cheerful, warm
                                            dangerous career in risk and insurance   and welcoming – nothing was ever too
        Graham received a terminal cancer   based in Moscow, Kazakhstan,        much trouble. Her attention to detail and
        diagnosis in 2018. At this point he   Azerbaijan and Georgia in the 80s   excellent organisation skills made her a
        decided to retire. Always positive and   and 90s before moving into more local   great asset to the RVC, as well as the
        appearing to be in robust health to   governance roles when he and Liz   staff and students that she supported.
        anyone who met him during this time, he   decided to adopt their children.
        really was a true example of how to deal                                Katy was also a popular member of our
        with such a terrible prognosis with great   He came to the RVC in 2012, initially in   local Potters Bar community. Her passing
        fortitude and dignity. He was always   an academic governance role but quickly   is greatly mourned by all who knew her,
        cheerful, positive and able to discuss his   shifted into a role supporting the corporate   and it is a fitting legacy that over £22,000
        medical interventions clearly.      governance of the RVC, working for Elaine   has been raised in Katy’s name for Isabel
                                            Acaster and then Ian Darker in their roles   Hospice, Welwyn Garden City, where Katy
        He is a shining example of a true colleague   as Secretary to Council.   was so well cared for in her final days.
        and friend who never stopped applying
        himself to whatever the matter in hand.  He was a charming, witty, wise, erudite,   Katy will be sorely missed, both as a
                                            hard-working and helpful colleague,   wonderful friend and brilliant colleague.
        Graham died at home just before his   whose positive impact on colleagues far
        60th birthday. He will never be forgotten   exceeded the parameters of his role. He
        by those of us who had the pleasure,   will be sorely missed.
        joy and distinction of knowing him. He
        leaves his much-loved family – his wife,
        Julia, and sons, Matthew and Mark

          We also proudly remember . . .

          Miss Jennifer Anne Bunting   1952  Mr John Anthony Dyson    1962
          Mr Nicholas Blampied      1950     Mr Godfrey Torr          1967
          Mr Colin Richard Quinton Barton  1954  Mr Andrew Rivers     1990
          Mr Peter Anthony Flint    1961     Mr Hugh Reed             1967
          Mr Roy George Gough       1962     Mr Richard Samuel        1953
          ...and our other RVC alumni and friends who are
          sadly no longer with us.

          We are keen to pay tribute to RVC alumni who have sadly died. If you
          would like to share your stories and memories of a relative, friend or
          colleague, please email us at

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