





Page 37 - Eclipse - RVC Alumni Magazine - Autumn 2020
P. 37

This year, new students settled into the RVC in a slightly different way! The RVCSU ran a number of events online, including
quizzes, movie nights,
cookalongs, a virtual Freshers Fair and a comedy show featuring Phil Wang.
 Student scoops Royal Entomological Society prize
 Congratulations to Rebecca Sim (BVetMed, Year 3) who, earlier
this year, won third prize in a nationwide competition, hosted by the Royal Entomological Society – their Student Award 2020.
Students were invited to write an 800-word article about
an entomological topic that would be of interest to the general public and easy to read. Rebecca wrote an engaging article on mosquitoes and
the control of malaria with
an interesting twist – from the mosquito’s point-of-view! Her article is published in the Society’s journal, Antenna.
Unfortunately, the Ento ‘20 conference was cancelled due to COVID-19, so Rebecca was unable to attend the award ceremony.
Rebecca’s article can be found here: www.royensoc.co.uk/ res-student-award

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