Page 1 - Clinical Connections - Autumn 2024







Page 1 - Clinical Connections - Autumn 2024
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                                                                              RVC Clinical Services Newsletter  Autumn 2024



          David Bolt (Senior Lecturer in Equine   forelimb lameness.             dystrophic mineralisation and distension
          Surgery) and Richard Meeson (Professor   On presentation, Dexter was bright,   of the synovium and joint capsule, likely
          of Orthopaedics and Head of the Small   alert and responsive. His general physical   representing proliferative synovitis and
          Animal Orthopaedic Service) outline the   examination was normal, but he was lame   possible haemarthrosis.
          case of an alpaca who benefited from the   on the right forelimb at walk. There was a   The scan also revealed complete
          transdisciplinary approach of the RVC.  reduced cranial phase to the stride.   displaced comminuted subacute and
                two-year-old male Huacaya alpaca   Focal swelling present over the right   traumatic fracture of the acromion of the
                was treated at the RVC Equine   shoulder  region  with  mild  focal pain  on   scapula.  Additionally, there were mild
          A Referral Hospital by the equine   palpation was noted.               changes to the proximal aspect of the bicipital
          specialists, in collaboration with the RVC                             tendon, suggestive of mild tendinopathy.
          Small  Animal Referrals’ Orthopaedics   Diagnostic tests               This was considered to be a consequence
          Service.                            A  CT  scan  identified  luxation  of  Dexter’s   of the luxation or normal variation.
            Dexter had sustained a traumatic right   right shoulder joint with a large associated
          shoulder  luxation  approximately  a  week   defect in the humeral head and flattening of   Surgery
          prior to referral. He presented with right   the glenoid cavity of the scapula. There was   The surgery was a collaboration between

          P. 5                       P. 6                      P.7                        P.8
          ONCOLOGY CASE              BLOOD DONOR               IMTP PATIENT SAVED         RABBIT REFERRALS
          STUDY                      PROGRAMME MOVES           BY DONORS
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