ࡱ> #` <bjbj 3  $ xkxkxkPkTl$$LnLnLnLnLn+o+o+oXN $h_Z q'o+oqq LnLn|w|w|wqv 8Ln Ln|wq|w|w*̍  Ln@n xklrȐR8խ0*s Бh+oo|wmplp+o+o+o8uD+o+o+oqqqq$$$34XD$$$4X dX @    1. Awarding institutionThe ɫֱapp 2. Teaching institutionThe ɫֱapp (University of London) 3. Programme accredited byThe programme leads to professional recognition by the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Animal Therapy (ACPAT)4. Final awardPostgraduate Diploma or Master of Science5. Programme TitleVeterinary Physiotherapy6. Date of First IntakeMay 20007. Frequency of IntakeAnnually in May8. Duration and Mode(s) of StudyPart time; two calendar years.9. Timing of Examination Board meetingsAnnually in December (for Diploma students), Annually in May (for Masters students).10. Date of Last Quinquennial Review2006/200711. Date of Next Quinquennial Review2011/201212. Entry Requirements Applicants should have: A degree or diploma in human physiotherapy and be members of the Health Professionals Council and Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (or equivalent EU body). Vocational experience in human physiotherapy for at least one year (at time of application). Previous animal handling experience. In exceptional circumstances, appropriately qualified non-EU candidates may be considered. Other requirements: Applicants from overseas will be required to provide evidence of proficiency in spoken and written English, including scientific usage and comprehension.13. UCAS code N/A14. JACS CodeD20015. Relevant QAA subject benchmark group(s)N/A16. Reference pointsN/A17. Educational aims of programmes N/AThe programme aims to equip Chartered Physiotherapists with the ability to apply their professional knowledge, experience and practical skills to the treatment of animal patients. 18. Programme outcomes - the programme offers opportunities for students to achieve and demonstrate the following learning outcomes.Knowledge and understanding of: the theoretical basis underpinning the practice of veterinary physiotherapy comparative physiotherapy and clinical skills in relation to the animal patient ethical and legal issues in practice how the RCVS regulates veterinary practice the role of the veterinary physiotherapist in relation to other members of the veterinary team. Teaching/learning methods: Students acquire knowledge and understanding through participation in: lectures practical demonstrations problem-solving sessions seminars Assessment by: coursework (two assignments) written examinations (two) practical examinations (two) research project report oral examination practical training syllabus formative assignments B. Cognitive (thinking) skills: Planning Logic and reasoning Comprehension Visual and auditory processing Long-term memory Teaching/learning methods: Students cognitive skills are developed / reinforced through active participation in: lectures practical classes problem-solving exercises Assessment by: coursework written examinations practical examinations research project report oral examination C. Practical skills: Basic competence in veterinary physiotherapy techniques Scientific skills, including critical review of the scientific literature, data collection and report writing skills Examining animals, assessing their findings and identifying physiotherapy treatment goals Selecting, justifying and implementing appropriate veterinary physiotherapy treatment programmes Critically evaluating the efficacy and efficiency of their practice Effective communication with clients and professional colleagues Teaching/learning methods: Students learn practical skills through active participation in: practical demonstrations individual research project clinical training syllabus Assessment: clinical assessment by clinical educators and veterinarians practical examinations research project report oral examination D. Key skills: communication skills group work skills personal skills interpersonal skills scientific writing skills organisational skills teaching and training skills learning skills information gathering and analytical skills problem solving skills language skills information technology skills entrepreneurial skills Teaching/learning methods: regular interaction with course directors, lecturers, peers scientific writing lectures journal club preparation of pilot and research projects project poster presentations preparation of oral presentations data/statistical analysis Assessment: course work practical syllabus written examinations practical exams research project report oral examination19. Programme structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits and awardsTaught Modules: Years 1 and 2 (MSc and Postgraduate Diploma) Veterinary Physiotherapy An Introduction Comparative Anatomy Comparative Biomechanics Behaviour and Pain Management Comparative Exercise Physiology Recognition and Management of Myopathies Orthopaedics and Rheumatology Neurology Physiotherapy Assessment and Techniques Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Research Project Last six months of the programme - MSc students only20. Work Placement Requirements (BVetMed and FdSc only) N/AASSESSMENT21. Form of ExaminationThe Examination for the Postgraduate Diploma in Veterinary Physiotherapy will comprise: A written examination of 2 hours duration at the end of first academic year, comprising a combination of short answer, multiple choice and long answer (essay) questions based on the material in the course prior to the examination; A written examination of 3 hours duration in December (second academic year) , comprising a combination of short answer, multiple choice and long answer (essay) questions based on all the material covered in the course; Assessment of a literature review and a written project report completed during the course; A practical examination of 40 minutes duration in December (second academic year), to assess the clinical competency of the physiotherapist in undertaking veterinary physiotherapy treatment of small and large animals. The Examination for the MSc will comprise i - iv above, together with: Assessment of a project report; An oral defence of the project.22. Any requirements to be completed to permit entry to the examinationSatisfactory attendance according to RVC Policy. 23. Marking CriteriaEach component (i.e. in-course assessment, written examinations, research project, oral examination) will be marked out of 100 according to the following scheme. Mark out of 100 Distinction 75 % or over Merit 65-74 % Clear Pass 55-64 % Minimum Adequate Pass 50-54% Fail 40-49 % Bad Fail 30-39% Very Bad Fail <30% Marking scheme for written papers: Individual written examination questions shall be marked 0 - 10 according to the following broad guidelines: 10 Perfect 9 Almost perfect 8 Excellent: distinction standard 7 Very good: merit standard 6 Convincing pass 5 Minimum adequate pass 4 Definite but not a bad failure 3 Bad failure 2 Very bad failure 1 Almost no competent response No answer The total for each paper will be adjusted pro rata to a mark out of 100. Marking Scheme for written questions in multiple choice format: Each correct response will be awarded a number of marks. A question left unanswered or deleted by the candidate will score zero. Marks for Coursework: The following two assignments must be submitted and will contribute to the summative assessment: a Literature Review of not more than 2500 words on any topic relating to the course, contributing 5% of the overall mark for the Diploma and 2.5% of the overall mark for the MSc, to be submitted by September 30th of the first academic year of the course. a Project Report of not more than 2500 words (excluding references and figures), contributing 15% of the overall mark for the Diploma and 7.5% of the overall mark for the MSc, to be submitted by May 31st of the second academic year of the course. The marks awarded for individual pieces of coursework will be returned to students according to the following scheme: Marks/10 Marks/100 Perfect 10 Almost perfect 9 Excellent: distinction standard 8 >75% Very good: merit standard 7 65-74% Convincing pass 6 55-64% Minimum adequate 5 50-54% Definite but not bad failure 4 40-49% Bad failure 3 30-39% Very bad failure 2 <30% Almost no competent response 1 Not submitted/no answer 024. Allocation of Marks The final percentage mark for the Postgraduate Diploma will comprise the following contributions from the various components: March (end of first academic year) written examination 20% December (second academic year) written examination 30% In-course Assignments 20% Practical Examination 30% The final percentage mark for the MSc will comprise the following contributions from the various components: March (end of first academic year) written examination 10% December (second academic year) written examination 15% In-course Assignments 10% Practical Examination 15% Research Project 35% Oral Examination 15% 25. Any additional requirementsThe student is expected to attend a minimum of 30 days on clinical placements, gaining experience in clinical physiotherapy under the supervision of Clinical Educators. 26. Requirements to Pass OverallThe overall result will normally be determined by the candidates combined percentage mark over all parts of the Examination. All students will normally be expected to obtain an overall pass (50% or greater) in the theoretical components of the course, to have passed the practical exams overall and to have completed the practical syllabus unless exempted from it. In addition, Masters students will be expected to obtain a pass in the research project (aggregate mark for written report and oral defence). If a student passes the Diploma section of the course but subsequently fails their research project, they can opt to accept the award of the Postgraduate Diploma or to resubmit their project on one occasion. A second failure will result in the award of a Postgraduate Diploma.27. Consequences of FailureA candidate who fails at the first attempt shall have a right to resit as determined by the Board of Examiners and will be invited to attend Postgraduate APRICOT Committee. A candidate who fails at the second attempt will be required to relinquish the course; s/he will have a right of appeal as described in College Regulations. 28. Classification75% or more Distinction 65-74% Merit 50-64% Pass29. Disclosure of MarksResults will be published by candidate number.30. Dates of ExaminationsAnnually in December (Diploma). Annually in May (Masters).31. Date of production/revision1st March 2007 Mark Description Factual information and integration of knowledge *Understanding of concepts and critical ability +Presentation 0 no or very limited answer no, or no relevant, factual information None not relevant 1 almost no competent response at most, one or two pieces of relevant factual information None not relevant 2 very bad failure only a few correct pieces of relevant factual information very little (or no) understanding; no critical ability style and expression terrible 3 bad failure considerable defects in relevant factual information; no integration of knowledge considerable defects in understanding but not totally lacking; no critical ability style and expression very poor 4 definite, but not a bad, failure some relevant factual information but lacking in breadth and/or depth; no integration of knowledge some limited understanding; no critical ability style and expression poor 5 minimum adequate pass barely sufficient relevant factual information; no integration of knowledge some understanding; some critical ability style and expression adequate 6 convincing pass sufficient relevant factual information but lacking in depth; little or no integration of knowledge some understanding; moderate critical ability style and expression generally good 7 very good; merit standard relevant factual information well covered; some integration of knowledge good understanding; good critical ability style and expression good 8 excellent; distinction standard relevant factual information well covered and weighted appropriately; good integration of knowledge good understanding; good critical ability style and expression very good 9 almost perfect# factually, almost flawless; good integration of knowledge full understanding; good critical ability style and expression very good 10 perfect# factually flawless; excellent integration of knowledge full understanding; excellent critical ability excellent style and expression * Understanding of concepts and critical ability incorporates assessment of students ability to distinguish between what is relevant and what is irrelevant. + Presentation incorporates spelling, grammar and correct use of scientific terminology. # perfect implies as perfect as can be expected from an undergraduate student, and that expectations must be related to the model answer.     8P  , U W j  7   蓀m$h $h:'CJOJQJ^JmH sH $h $huCJOJQJ^JmH sH 'h $hu6CJOJQJ^JmH sH h $hAZ'CJOJQJh $hU[CJOJQJh $h/~9CJOJQJh $hx'CJOJQJh $h:'CJOJQJh $h:'5CJOJQJh:'CJOJQJ%78Pmkd$$Ifl0,":L  04 lap <<$If;;; yob <<$Ifgdx' <<$Ifkd$$Ifl0,":L  04 lap  , V yoo <<$Ifkd$$Ifl0,":L  04 lapV W j yoo <<$Ifkdx$$Ifl0,":L  04 lap yoo <<$IfkdF$$Ifl0,":L  04 lap yoo <<$Ifkd$$Ifl0,":L  04 lap  yoo <<$Ifkd$$Ifl0,":L  04 lap  7 yoo <<$Ifkd$$Ifl0,":L  04 lap yoo <<$Ifkd~$$Ifl0,":L  04 lap yoo <<$IfkdL$$Ifl0,":L  04 lap      ? yodSSSSSS$$7$8$H$Ifa$gd~ $7$8$H$If <<$Ifkd$$Ifl0,":L  04 lap ? @ J K ?kd$$Ifl0,":L  04 lapyt$<$7$8$H$Ifa$gd!$$7$8$H$Ifa$gd!$$7$8$H$Ifa$gd~ I J K Z ] _ m q s qdUB$h $h@QCJOJQJ^JmH sH h $h@QCJOJQJ^Jh $h $CJOJQJh $h $5CJOJQJh $5CJOJQJh $h:'OJQJh $hwCJOJQJh $h/~9CJOJQJh $h:'5CJOJQJh $h:'CJOJQJh $h!CJOJQJ^J'h $h!6CJOJQJ^JmH sH $h $h!CJOJQJ^JmH sH K Z ^ _ m r okd $$Ifl0,":L  04 lap <<$Ifr s yoo <<$Ifkd $$Ifl0,":L  04 lap yo <<$Ifkd\ $$Ifl0,":L  04 lap <<$Ifgd oEqkd* $$Ifl,""  04 lap yt $ <<$IfgdZhkd $$Ifl,""04 lap yt $ vi <<$Ifgd@Qkd $$Ifl0,":L  04 lapytZ#$%DE0:Iw/~AO䴧~s~gs`s h $hBh $hB5OJQJh $hBmH sH h $hBOJQJh $hBCJOJQJ^Jh $hB@CJOJQJh $hBCJOJQJh $hB5CJOJQJh $h:'56CJOJQJh $hR5CJOJQJh $h $h:'CJOJQJh $h:'5CJOJQJ%$ <<$IfkkdX$$Ifl4,""04 laf4p yt $$%E1t\\\BB & F vv$If^v`gdB & F v$If^v`gdB & F e<$If^e`gdBtkd $$Ifl4,""  0  4 laf4p yt09:If & F $If^`gdB $If^gdB & F$If^`gdB & F $If^`gdB $IfgdB <$IfgdB$ ]$Ifa$gd.$WL4 & F v$If^v`gdB <$IfgdBkd$$Ifl4A0,"LL0  4 laf4pyt $IfgdCJ & F $If^`gdB$8Fevw /:Of~ & F $If^`gdB & F$IfgdB $IfgdB$<$Ifa$gdB $Ifgd. & F v$If^v`gdBTSzoYYCCC & F $If^gdB & F $If^gdB <$IfgdBkd$$Ifl4?0,"LL0  4 laf4pyt $S &BCOjjj & F $If^`gdB $If^gdB & F $If^`gdB & F $If^`gdB $IfgdB$<$Ifa$gdB $Ifgd. & F $If^gdB WL <$IfgdBkd\$$Ifl4?0,"LL0  4 laf4pyt $Ifgd. & F $If^`gdB(BXu ) <$IfgdB $Ifgd. & F $If^gdB & F v$If^v`gdB  & F v$If^v`gdB(B) }GPa󶨝tdTGTGh $h:'CJOJQJh $h:'5CJOJQJ^Jh $hR5CJOJQJ^Jh $hkOJQJh $hkCJOJQJ h $hBCJOJQJmH sH h $h:'OJQJh $h:'5CJOJQJh $hR5CJOJQJ h $hBh $hBmH sH h $hB5CJOJQJh $hBCJOJQJ^Jh $hBCJOJQJ)e -@Ue} & F! 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