ࡱ>  qbjbjyy Bd<4D$D$D$D$D$X$X$X$8$L$X$%%(%%%&&&NPPPPPP$edtD$&&&&&tD$D$%%)))&D$%D$%N)&N))*Dou%)M'R@rR:0r"Ʉ'ɄuuɄD$Zv&&)&&&&&tt(&&&&&&&Ʉ&&&&&&&&& #: PGCert Veterinary Clinical Studies Annexe to the BVetMed Programme Specification Applies to Cohort Commencing 2015 1. Awarding institutionɫֱapp 2. Teaching institutionɫֱapp 3. Programme accredited byn/a4. Final awardPostgraduate Certificate5. Programme TitleClinical Veterinary Studies6. Date of First Intake20157. Frequency of IntakeFlexible by arrangement8. Duration and Mode(s) of StudyFull-time At least 48 weeks with at least 28 weeks of intramural rotations 9. Timing of Examination Board meetingsAnnually in June and September10. Date of Last Periodic Reviewn/a11. Date of Next Periodic ReviewIn tandem with BVetMed12. Entry RequirementsProspective students must hold the equivalent of 120 specific credits at FHEQ level 6 and a further 240 specific credits (360 credits overall) in essential pre-clinical knowledge of anatomy, physiology and disease processes gained from a course intended to lead to professional registration as a veterinary surgeon. Prospective students must not: be currently registered for the BVetMed or have been previously, registered for the BVetMed and required to leave the course by the RVC13. UCAS code n/a14. JACS CodeD10015. Relevant QAA subject benchmark Veterinary Science 16. Reference pointsVeterinary Surgeons Act (1966) EU Directive 78/1027/EEC (1978) Report of the Committee of Enquiry into Veterinary Research ("Selborne") (1997) QAA Benchmark Statement, Veterinary Science (2002) Veterinary Education and Training: a Framework for 2010 and beyond. (RCVS, 2002) EU Directive 2005/36/EC (2005) RCVS Guidelines on the Essential Competencies Required of the New Veterinary Graduate (2006) RCVS EMS Recommendations, Policy and Guidance (2009) Report of the North American Veterinary Medical Education Consortium (NAVMEC) (2011) Criteria and guidance for RCVS approval of veterinary degree courses in the UK & overseas (2011) Accreditation Policies and Procedures of the AVMA Council on Education (2012) 17. Educational aims of programme To provide a sound training in essential basic veterinary clinical skills for those: training to be a veterinary surgeon at establishments other than RVC qualified surgeons in jurisdictions other than the UK/EU seeking to update and develop their skills 18. Programme outcomes - the programme offers opportunities for students to achieve and demonstrate the following learning outcomes. At the time of completion of the award students should be able to meet all of the outcomes detailed in the BVetMed rotations handbook for 22 weeks of core rotations and 6 weeks of track rotations, and have had opportunity to apply these in veterinary practice and similar establishments  19. Teaching/learning methods Teaching and learning is identical to the clinical intra-mural rotations year of the BVetMed: observation, discussion and practical experience as a member of the clinical team in the Colleges hospitals, and in clinical enterprises in which the College is a collaborating partner; attendance at lectures, seminars and workshops20. Assessment Continuous assessment in the clinical environment in the areas of professional activity, practical skills and clinical reasoning and application of knowledge. 8 weeks of clinical placements (EMS) in veterinary practices and similar settings 21. Programme structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits and awards Identical to the clinical intra-mural rotations year of BVetMed22. Assessment See award and assessment regulations for the programme23. 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