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Minimum work experience: Relevant post-graduate clinical experience of at least one year, with preference for offers to the course being given to those who have more. Other requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English will be required to provide evidence of proficiency in spoken and written English, including scientific usage and comprehension. They will be required to achieve an overall score of 7.0 in IELTS with a minimum of 6.5 in each sub-test; or a TOEFL score of at least 93 (internet-based test with no element below 23), or 580 (paper-based test plus 4.5 in the Test of Written English (TWE)/Essay rating).13. UCAS code N/A14. JACS CodeD20015. Relevant QAA subject benchmark group(s)N/A16. Reference pointsWild Animal Health MSc graduates are eligible to be considered for exemption from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (Zoological Medicine) prior to studying for the Diploma in Zoological Medicine, provided they have at least three years relevant clinical experience.17. Educational aims of programmeThe programme aims to: produce graduates equipped to play a leading role in conservation as epidemiologists, academics, wildlife veterinarians, pathologists and senior management in in-situ conservation programmes, national parks, zoological collections, universities and government departments worldwide produce high-calibre graduates who can proceed to study for higher research degrees 18. Programme outcomes - the programme offers opportunities for students to achieve and demonstrate the following learning outcomes.Knowledge and understanding of: the biological principles underpinning wildlife disease and conservation studies clinical and pathological techniques in wild animals including imaging and surgery conservation biology including population ecology epidemiology, diagnosis, pathology, treatment and control of wildlife disease, the ecology of infectious agents in wild animal populations and veterinary interventions in wildlife (including social, welfare, ethical and legal aspects) management and sustainable utilisation of captive and free-living wild animals (including husbandry, breeding and nutrition), and the preventive medicine of captive and free-living wild animals wildlife research methodology Teaching/learning methods: Students acquire knowledge and understanding through participation in: lectures practical classes scientific presentations problem-based learning (PBL) rotation groups case reviews organised visits to sites of special interest off campus Assessment by: written examinations coursework (oral and written reports) research (written report and oral defence) B. Cognitive (thinking) skills: Planning Logic and reasoning Comprehension Visual and auditory processing Long-term memoryTeaching/learning methods: Students cognitive skills are developed / reinforced through active participation in: lectures practical classes scientific presentations PBL clinical rotation rounds rotation groups Assessment by: written examinations coursework (oral and written reports) research (written report and oral defence)C. Practical skills: Basic competence in veterinary techniques and preventative medicine for wild animals; Scientific skills, including critical review of the scientific literature and design, execution and analysis of laboratory or field studiesTeaching/learning methods: Students learn practical skills through active participation in: clinical rotation groups practical classes individual research project Assessment: Research Project (written report and oral defence) Competence in Clinical and Pathological Procedures Check ListD.4. Key skills: communication skills group work skills personal skills interpersonal skills organisational skills teaching and training skills learning skills information gathering and analytical skills problem solving skills language skills information technology skills entrepreneurial skills Teaching/learning methods: regular interaction with course directors, lecturers, peers preparation of scientific presentations PBL population census field work clinical and pathological rotation groups / practical classes use of computer software in the preparation of oral presentations (MS PowerPoint), casebook write-up and research project report (literature searching, MS Word), analysis of field and experimental data (SPSS, MS Excel), and group report writing in PBL (WIKKI) planning individual research project Assessment: written examinations coursework (oral and written reports) research (written report and oral defence) Competence in Clinical and Pathological Procedures Check List19. Programme structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits and awardsModule 1. Conservation Biology Structure: Lectures, Practicals, Scientific Presentations, two PBLs, a visit to Whipsnade Zoo for a census Requirements: none Level: Certificate (FEHQ Level 7) Credits: 15 creditsModule 2. The Impact of Disease on Populations Structure: Lectures, Practicals, Scientific Presentations and one PBL Requirements: none Level: Certificate (FEHQ Level 7) Credits: 15 creditsModule 3. Health and Welfare of Captive Wild Animals Structure: Lectures, Practicals, Scientific Presentations and one PBL, a visit to Woburn Park and the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trusts Slimbridge Wetland Centre Level: Certificate (FEHQ Level 7) Requirements: none Credits: 15 creditsModule 4. Interventions Structure: Lectures, Practicals, Scientific Presentations and one PBL Level: Certificate (FEHQ Level 7) Requirements: none Credits: 15 creditsAwards: Upon satisfactory completion of modules 1, 2, 3 and 4 and 60 credits, the exit award is the Post-Graduate-Certificate (Wild Animal Health).Module 5. Detection Surveillance and Emerging Disease Structure: Lectures, Practicals, Scientific Presentations and one PBL Level: Diploma (FEHQ Level 7) Credits: 15 creditsModule 6. Ecosystem Health Structure: Lectures, Scientific Presentations and one PBL Level: Diploma (FEHQ Level 7) Credits: 15 creditsModule 7. Evaluation of the Health and Welfare of Captive Wild Animals Structure: Lectures, Practicals, Scientific Presentations and one PBL Level: Diploma (FEHQ Level 7) Credits: 15 creditsModule 8. Practical Structure: Rotations a) Clinical rotation at London Zoo b) Clinical rotation at Whipsnade Zoo c) Pathology rotation at both zoos Level: Diploma (FEHQ Level 7) Credits: 15 creditsAwards: upon satisfactory completion of the certificate, modules 5, 6, 7 and 8 and 120 credits, the exit award is the Post-Graduate Diploma (Wild Animal Health).Module 9. Research Structure: Practicals, Scientific presentations Level: MSc Credits: 60 creditsAwards: upon satisfactory completion of the diploma, module 9 and 180 credits, the MSc is awarded.      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