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The BSc in Pre-clinical Veterinary Sciences is offered as a degree to students who wish to leave the programme and have achieved an appropriate standard in the first three years of the BVetMed and who have met any other requirements specified in the Regulations for that degree.9. Timing of Examination Board meetingsFirst Year BVetMed: June/July Second Year BVetMed: June/July Third year BVetMed: April/May Fourth year BVetMed: Dec/Jan Finals: June/July Gateway: June/July G year: June/July D101; BSc exam board annually in June10. Date of Last Periodic Review2009/1011. Date of Next Periodic Review2015/1612. Entry RequirementsSee RVC website13. UCAS code D100 (five years) D101 (six years) D102 (Graduate Accelerated 4 years) D190 (Gateway)14. JACS CodeD100 (five years) D101 (six years) D102 (Graduate accelerated 4 years) D190 (Gateway)15. Relevant QAA subject benchmark Veterinary Science 16. Reference pointsVeterinary Surgeons Act (1966) Report of the Committee of Enquiry into Veterinary Research ("Selborne") (1997) QAA Benchmark Statement, Veterinary Science (2002) Veterinary Education and Training: a Framework for 2010 and beyond. (RCVS, 2002) EU Directive 2005/36/EC (2005), as amended by Directive 2013/55/EU (2013) Report of the North American Veterinary Medical Education Consortium (NAVMEC) (2011) Accreditation Policies and Procedures of the AVMA Council on Education (Mar 2014) RCVS standards and procedures for the accreditation of veterinary degrees, incl RCVS Day One Competences & RCVS EMS Policy and Guidance (Feb 2015) 17. Educational aims of programme to provide a veterinary undergraduate curriculum designed to satisfy the requirements determined by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, the American Veterinary Medical Association and the Veterinary Directives of the European Union; to promote excellence and achieve and sustain high national and international standing in teaching and learning; to provide appropriate preparation for career opportunities in the veterinary and associated professions; to provide a learning environment that encourages the development of student interests and skills, with support from teaching staff many of whom are active in research and/or clinical practice; to equip our graduates to continue to develop professionally and to achieve postgraduate qualifications. 18. Programme outcomes - the programme offers opportunities for students to achieve and demonstrate the following learning outcomes. At the time of graduation students should, to a standard appropriate for a new veterinary graduate, be able to: understand basic biological principles in relation to normal function and disease of animals; distinguish the pathological from the normal; prevent animal disease and control its transmission to humans; diagnose and treat diseases of animals and alleviate their suffering; adopt a logical approach to clinical problem solving; demonstrate practical competence in techniques and procedures; advise on animal management and welfare; communicate with the public and with colleagues in their future professional activities; demonstrate attitudes that promote professionalism, ethical judgement, enquiry and teamwork; exercise skills in Information Technology and data analysis. Teaching/learning methods In the didactic parts of the course, teaching and learning is based upon: whole-class lectures; small group tutorials; groupwork in directed learning classes; computer-assisted learning; demonstrations; practical work in laboratory and dissection classes; practical classes utilising live animals; directed and self-directed reading; directed and self-directed practice in the Clinical Skills Centre; self-evaluation animal husbandry placements; placements in veterinary practices; production of project reports. In the final one and a half years of the course, teaching and learning is based upon: observation, discussion and practical experience as a member of the clinical team in the Colleges hospitals, and in clinical enterprises in which the College is a collaborating partner; placements in veterinary practices; attendance at lectures, seminars and workshops; completion of a major research project. Assessment Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) and Directly Observed Procedural Skills (DOPS) to assess your practical clinical competencies and animal handling skills Structured oral examinations, which test your integrated understanding of animal structure and function Spot tests assessing observation skills, interpretation and the application of knowledge using images, specimens or radiographs. In course assessments (poster, presentation, reports) Multiple choice questions (MCQs) testing factual knowledge Extended matching questions (EMQs) and case studies testing clinical reasoning Problem-solving questions Essay questions testing understanding, analysis, synthesis and critical thinking. Research projects Continuous assessment in the clinical environment in the areas of professional activity, practical skills and clinical reasoning and application of knowledge. 12 weeks of placements (AHEMS) on farms and in other animal establishments 26 weeks of clinical placements (EMS) in veterinary practices and similar settings ICT skills test 19. Programme structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits and awards Gateway Year (Year Zero) Year OneYear TwoYear ThreeYear FourYear FiveThe moving animal Evolution The Living Cell Evolution Animal Handling & Husbandry Formative examInduction Introduction to The Whole Animal & to Systems Strands Locomotor Principles Of Science Neurology & Special Senses Cardiovascular & Respiratory Urogenital Renal Alimentary System Urogenital Reproduction Population Medicine & Veterinary Public Health (PMVPH) Professional Studies Integrated Structure & Function Tutorials take place throughout year Integrated Concepts AssessmentIntegrated Structure & Function Tutorials continue in Year 2 Principles Of Science PMVPH Lymphoreticular & Haemopoietic Cardiovascular & Respiratory Professional Studies Endocrine AssessmentPrinciples of Science Professional Studies Alimentary Population Medicine & Veterinary Public Health Reproduction Assessment Animal Handling Direct observation of procedural skills (DOPS) Lymphoreticular & Haemopoietic Urogenital Renal Endocrine PMVPH Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) Revision ExaminationsCore & Track 8 - 11Christmas HolidayInheritance, developmental biology and reproduction The Living Cell Introduction to Immunology Animal Handling & Husbandry Lambing Principles Of Science PMVPH Professional Studies Alimentary SystemPrinciples Of Science Professional Studies Urogenital Renal Locomotor Urogenital Reproduction Skin PMVPH Principles Of Science Professional Studies Reproduction Cardiovascular & Respiratory Skin Rotation preparation Revision Resit examinations Core Rotations 1 Core Rotations 2 Core & Track 12 - 14Easter Holiday / Extra-Mural PlacementsAnimal Husbandry Pathogens & Disease Revision End of Year Examinations Neurology & Special Senses Principles Of Science Professional Studies PMVPH Assessment End Of Year ExaminationsProfessional Studies Integrated Concepts Themed Group Work Assessment End Of Year ExaminationsAssessment Professional Studies Principles of Science Locomotor Neurology & Special Senses Lymphoreticular & Haemopoietic Core & Track 3 Core & Track 4 Core & Track 5 OSCE Electives Professional Studies Revision FinalsSummer Holiday / Extra-Mural Placements Re-sit ExaminationsCore & Track 6 Core & Track 7 Core & Track 8 GRADUATE YEAR The programme for the Graduate Year is as follows: Opportunity to do 6 weeks of Extra mural studies (EMS) Induction Principles of Animal Form and FunctionAnimal HusbandryInfections and ResponsesExaminationChristmasPrinciples of Animal Form and FunctionAnimal HusbandryInfections and ResponsesExaminationOpportunity to do EMSEasterPrinciples of Animal Form and FunctionAnimal HusbandryInfections and ResponsesPrivate StudyExaminationsOrals / Results 20. Work Placement Requirements  Animal Husbandry ExtraMural Studies Students must complete 12 weeks of Animal Husbandry ExtraMural Studies before entry to Year 3 of the course, comprising: 2 weeks on a lambing enterprise 2 weeks on a dairy cattle farm 2 weeks at a commercial pig operation 2 weeks of equine experience 4 weeks of their choice. Gateway From the 12 week total described for BVetMed, a minimum of 6 weeks Animal Husbandry ExtraMural Studies is to be completed by the end of BVetMed Year 1 (which includes the summer vacation period), including a minimum of 2 weeks lambing experience to be undertaken at the Easter vacation block in Gateway Year 0. The remaining weeks are to be completed by the end of the summer vacation in BVetMed Year 2. Clinical ExtraMural Studies Students must complete 26 weeks of Clinical ExtraMural Studies (EMS) during Years 3 to 5. Detailed regulations governing Clinical EMS are contained in the ClinEMS Student Guidelines. 21. Assessment See associated marking schemes22. Date of production/revision04/09/15     Page  PAGE 2 of  NUMPAGES 5 CD\vw J L O    , ~m_N!hDChM~B*CJOJQJphhM~B*CJOJQJph!hM~hM~B*CJOJQJphh )jB*CJOJQJphh@.B*CJOJQJphhhB*CJOJQJphh,&vB*CJOJQJphhDCh )jB*ph!hDCh )jB*CJOJQJph$hDCh )j5B*CJOJQJphhgbhC?5OJQJ^JhC?5>*CJOJQJ!CD\vw>kd$$Ifl0!  6  %044 laDe4p %ytoh"<<$& #$/Ifb$gdoh" P^P`gdgb$a$gdC? a Skd$$Ifl0!  6  %044 laDe4p %ytoh"<<$& #$/Ifb$gdoh"  kSS<<$& #$/Ifb$gdoh"kd$$Ifl0!  6  %044 laDe4p %ytoh"   , kSS<<$& #$/Ifb$gdoh"kd9$$Ifl0!  6  %044 laDe4p %ytoh", - E J kSS<<$& #$/Ifb$gdoh"kd$$Ifl0!  6  %044 laDe4p %ytoh", - E J K b x y    ' Q h i  д£•ЂttfXhFB*CJOJQJphh )jB*CJOJQJphhIB*CJOJQJph$hDCh )j6B*CJOJQJphhDBB*CJOJQJph!hDChDBB*CJOJQJphhqdB*CJOJQJphhhB*CJOJQJph!hDCh )jB*CJOJQJph$hDCh )j5B*CJOJQJphhDCh )jB*ph!J K b x kSS<<$& #$/Ifb$gdoh"kd$$Ifl0!  6  %044 laDe4p %ytoh"x y  kS?????$& #$/Ifb$gdoh"<<$& #$/Ifb$gdoh"kdd$$Ifl0!  6  %044 laDe4p %ytoh" ! 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