ࡱ> 8:7 0bjbjyy A -**8 #('''''''$),'''^''J%n&sGj%''0#(%'-4'-(n&'-n& ''#('-* J: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PRE-CLINICAL VETERINARY SCIENCES 1. Title of Degree 1.1 The title of the degree is Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Pre Clinical Veterinary Sciences. 1.2 The programme for the degree is based upon a period of study in the field of veterinary medicine but does not lead to a qualification granting any form of registration to practice veterinary medicine 2. Conditions of Admission 2.1 The degree of BSc in Pre-Clinical Veterinary Sciences may be awarded only to internal students of The ɫֱapp who have transferred their registration from the degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (BVetMed). No candidate shall be registered on a course of study leading to the degree of BSc in Pre-Clinical Veterinary Sciences, except as provided for in paragraph 3.1 (v) below. 2.2 A student who has been awarded the BSc in Pre-Clinical Veterinary Sciences shall normally not be permitted to transfer back to the BVetMed. 2.3 A student who has been awarded an intercalated degree where the learning objectives overlap significantly with those of the BSc Pre-Clinical Veterinary Sciences shall not be eligible for the award of the BSc in Pre-Clinical Veterinary Sciences. 3. Award of the Degree 3.1 The degree of BSc in Pre-Clinical Veterinary Sciences shall be awarded by the Academic Board of The ɫֱapp to a candidate who satisfies all of the following criteria: the candidate shall have been registered for the degree of BVetMed for years 1, 2 and 3. The candidate can meet the requirements for the award of BSc or BSc(Hons) as described in the Award and Assessment Regulations for the degree. iii) the candidate shall have ceased to be eligible for the award of the degree of BVetMed, either as a result of failure to satisfy the Board of Examiners for the Third Year BVetMed Examination or for a subsequent Examination, or as a result of withdrawal from the BVetMed, and shall have consented to the transfer of his or her registration to the degree of BSc. v) In the exceptional circumstances that a student has been permitted to re-enter the BVetMed, the award of BSc (Hons) Pre-Clinical Veterinary Sciences will be rescinded or not conferred as appropriate. If subsequently, a candidate is then not successful in gaining a BVetMed the award of BSc (Hon) Pre-Clinical Veterinary Sciences will be conferred. 3.2 Students shall normally be required to complete satisfactorily all prescribed assessments for the BSc in Pre-Clinical Veterinary Sciences within a period of six academic years from their initial enrolment for the BVetMed. A candidate who has transferred his or her registration from the BVetMed to the BSc in Pre-Clinical Veterinary Sciences may be registered as either a full-time or a part-time student, with each case determined on its merits by the College. Candidates must normally submit a critical literature review within six months of registration as a full-time student or twelve months if registered as a part-time student. Amended for new curriculum of BVetMed May 2011.      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